About Us

Welcome to BowZone, your guide to all things archery. Have you ever wanted to learn about archery, the tools you need to become a professional archer? At BowZones, you get all the information you need to practice archery safely. Regardless of your skills or level of expertise, BowZones is designed to carry everyone along.

Meet Logan Baker

Logan Baker founded BowZones after seeing the need to share his experience in the archery business. As a professional in the archery industry himself, he has all the necessary information and skills to turn new archers into seasoned professionals.

He had formulated many archery lessons and shared them with his friends and students before thinking it would be better if he shared his knowledge on his website. His love for archery and his deep understanding has made him a leading professional in archery. The awesome combination makes it extremely easy to instruct his students as well as educate them appropriately.

What Do We Do

Our mission at BowZones is to help you with everything bow related. Archery isn’t just a sport; archery began as an art of hunting. Back then, there were no guns, and hunters couldn’t get too close to their game or scare their prey away.

To beat this, hunters crafted bows that shot arrows. This way, they could hit their target form a distance. Archery was then used in combat. Today, archery has become more of a competitive sport and a recreation activity, and with our help, we can get you from being an amateur to being a toxophilite.

Many times new learners of archery go to clubs when taking archery lessons. These clubs provide you with all you need to master archery. However, you can learn on your own with our help as well. Archery is a great family sport, so everyone is invited to play from the six-year-old in the family up to the grandma. Often, archery is also a good sport for individuals with inabilities.

Our Love For Archery

Learning archery is fun and a continuous process, since it can be practiced both indoors and out, it is a sport you can learn all year long at your own pace. We love archery, and we love the idea that we can share this passion with our readers.

To ensure that our mission is achieved, we employ a rigorous research process. When we decide to write on any archery related topic, we ensure we research it deeply. By doing this, our readers are exposed to clear and detailed instructions on archery and would never be victims of misinformation.

By regularly updating our content, our readers are also updated about new and trendy skills or archery tools. We believe that this rigorous process of research creates the best and most detailed content that helps readers become experts in a short while.

Once you can get the right tools, we can teach you how to use your bow professionally. This will take time and effort, but thanks to us, you have a guide that knows all things archery. Head on and take a tour around our site, you are bound to come across several useful contents that will help you master archery.